“When I joined the Freedom Mastermind, I had three top desires that I wanted to focus on bringing to fruition over the duration of the program:
1) Find a new, more joyful way of being within myself and my life that is rooted in the feminine and the Earth Mother
2) Bringing my new work to the world and start building an active community around it
3) Create new, consistent income joyfully that sustains me and helps me to create the life I envision
I say with delight that I have made significant progress in all three areas. I walked into the mastermind not knowing what my new way of working would look like, just that I knew it needed to be birthed from a group of women. I walked out not only knowing this new work, but fostered a clear and steady vision about it. It’s one that inspires me daily!
Not only am I about to run a pilot version of my Systems with Soul program, I am planning a large scale launch for it next spring and feel an incredibly strong foundation in myself to do this work and lead from a place of strength and confidence.
My ability to stay true to my boundaries and rooted in my sovereignty has expanded significantly. I’ve gone from prioritizing clients’ work to prioritizing my own, which allows me to serve them in an even greater capacity and is a 180-degree change from where I started at the beginning of the journey.
I have made lifelong friendships and feel supported in the heart and soul of myself and my work. Nisha cultivates a brilliant community and tends it with such love and care. She also has this amazing gift of coaching and guiding from a place of a deep understanding and attunement to nuance which serves in a profoud way. I am grateful for and humbled by her leadership example.
If you feel called to Nisha’s work, heed the calling and follow the timing from your inner knowing. I found her through a Google search nearly 4 years ago and knew instantly I wanted to be part of her mastermind. I waited for a “yes” on timing and I am so glad I joined when I did. Even though it felt like a stretch on so many levels and I questioned my readiness, the timing was perfect and I got all of (and more than) what I desired from joining.”
“Working with Nisha in the Freedom Mastermind was like being immersed in a deep soul cocoon. It was loving, supporting and soulful but it also stretched me in so many ways.
The retreats were amazing experiences where I learnt so much about myself, had experiences I’ll never forget like priestess rituals, mud baths in Santa Fe and swimming in the Cenotes in Mexico and I always came home able to deepen into my motherhood and my relationship with my husband as well as bring new vigour to my business.
The women and I were on a deep soul contract to explore and heal sister wounds and we experienced so much together that will stay with me always.
Nisha is a true leader and soul guide, her ability to hold space and place her own ego aside is like nothing I have witnessed before and I learnt so much to bring back to my own work and community just by being in her presence.
I can now call Nisha my friend, my soul sister, my mentor and a huge inspiration. The full body and soul hugs she gives you and her gaze that is so completely loving and accepting is beautiful medicine and so missing from many coaching relationships.”
“I was doing some work with Nisha at the time that enrolment opened for the 2017 Mastermind, and Nisha invited me to apply, and I could not have even dreamed of the journey that I was about to embark on.
I recall our very first group call on Valentine’s Day, being so nervous and excited, to a point that I
could barely even talk to introduce myself! It was like my soul knew it was about to be healed, to be transformed for the better and I couldn’t wait to get started!
I naively thought that the most benefit I would get from the mastermind was the incredible business support from Nisha and our sisterhood, but I was so extraordinarily wrong (although that was also part of it!). I grew in ways I didn’t even know I needed to.
I uncovered some truly deep wounds around my relationships with woman, and with the loving support of Nisha, was able to navigate and heal those wounds.
Within the sisterhood that Nisha so beautifully created, I was able to feel safe to bring all of me, all of the messiness, all of the wounds, without fear of ever being judged. I always felt loved
unconditionally, supported beyond my wildest dreams, and that allowed me to let go of some beliefs and stories that were holding me back in my personal life, and my business.
I now have friendships that will last a lifetime with amazing beautiful women from all over the
world, women that are doing such important amazing work; and I will be eternally grateful for all of the experiences with all of these women for the rest of my life.
I never envisaged that in 2017, and at the age of 44, I would finally feel free to truly be me, and feel the love, support and genuine friendships of women from such diverse backgrounds; that I would feel such a sense of belonging, and unconditional love, and I will be forever grateful that I said yes to the experience!
Thank you Nisha for seeing me, holding me, nurturing me, caring for me, guiding me, supporting me, always believing in me, witnessing me, and not judging me in all of my messiness, encouraging me, always being my cheerleader, but most importantly, showing me unconditional love. That is a gift that I will treasure the most from spending these past 12 months with you.”
“I adore Nisha Moodley! Here’s how I see & feel this wonderful woman. She’s wise beyond her years; she feels eternal and present all at the same time. She’s honest, truthful and clear with her words…you can only ‘googoo-gaga’ when you hear her speak. Her work is a beautiful composition of her life and mission on planet earth-FREEDOM & SISTERHOOD! What a gift to have shared 10 months of my life, business, dreams, highs & lows with someone at first I considered a mentor; now I considered her as my friend and beloved sister. And, that’s only on a personal level! As a business mentor, one word- FIERCE. She looked after me and my business. I felt loved, supported, guided, heard and most importantly witnessed. A piece of my heart belongs to her now. She has my love, support, endorsement and respect…forever!”
Elizabeth Stomp | Spiritual Midwife & Life Coach
“I can’t imagine my life without these women!
This experience has been more than life-changing. It’s been pattern-changing. It’s been a softening, a deepening, and an expansion all at once.
Growing to trust other women has enabled me to experience the Divine Feminine as she expresses through them–and in turn, as she expresses through me.
Because of this, I can hold and embody her and I can just Be with whatever is and hold the space for it–completely and unwaveringly.
Nisha and her team are so masterful at holding space. This is a one-of-a-kind experience, and Nisha and her Work have my undying respect and support.
Like I said, I can’t imagine my life without these women, and I am eternally grateful that I don’t have to.”
Theresa Venezia
“These past two years have been completely life changing! Before working with Nisha, I had just gone through an incredible transformation around food + my body but was feeling that I needed similar help in truly creating a business around helping women love their bodies through style, while also having a life.
Nisha has helped lovingly guide me into finding + going for what I want, helping me find my voice in both my business and lives. All this while also finally feeling at home with a circle of sisters that truly accepted all of me. It’s nice to finally know I am not alone, that tons of other women feel like the weirdo that doesn’t fit in because we are choosing a life that may look very different from other women around us.
I hold Nisha and all my sisters in a very special place in my heart and know that I have at least 30 women from the past 2 years that will jump to help me when I need them.
Nisha (and with the support of the sisterhood) has helped me step into the woman I’ve always wanted to be. One that is strong, yet completely embraces her femininity, not one that rejects it (as I feel many of us have been taught). I have learned to be all of who I am and desire to be in the world.”
Crystal Cave | Founder & CEO
“I dreamt of working with Nisha for years before the time felt truly aligned. I’m so grateful my intuition led me to the most powerful teacher at the most perfect timing. During our mastermind, I launched my third business, Inner Glow Circle, this time in full partnership with my fiancé (a huge breakthrough in partnership and surrender). I completed my Lyme Disease treatment and cried in the laps of my new sisters in Bali, asking them how I could ever lead from this messy pile of life. And just as I returned home, my fiancé was diagnosed with the same invisible illness. It was a lot.
Nisha stood by my side, coaching me, loving me and protecting my dear heart. She treated my heart as if it was her own, firm in her Great Mother archetype. Midway through the program, life had another twist and my baby brother unexpectedly crossed over. I was frozen, unsure how to go on and Nisha simply held me in her loving embrace. She sat with me in shock, in tears, in laughter and memories. She was ALL LOVE. She worked with my team to help them understand what I would need in my weeks and months of devastation. When I couldn’t find my voice, Nisha tapped into hers and used it for me. She helped me understand the importance of deeply compassionate love. With her earth goddess magic and the universal alignment of clear teaching opportunities, she softened me from the inside out.
By the end of our program, I reinvented my relationship with my fiancé (stress and grief had torn us apart; therapy and understanding brought us back together). I learned how to ask my partner and my team for what I need, stand in my divine priestess CEO power and do my sacred work in the world. Through the miracle of owning my mission and voice, IGC completed its first sizable round of angel investing in October 2015, right as my work with Nisha came to a close.
I got the value of every resource I invested (money, time, energy) — and more. I learned how to move with life instead of letting life move me. I learned how to create healthy boundaries, to stop long enough to let the wound heal and to fight for love if you want love to fight for you.
Thank you, Nisha. For giving me the opportunity to trust and surrender to your power. It’s caused me to surrender to my own. ”
Katie DePaola | Co-Founder & CEO
“This was simply the best gift I could have given to my business and myself this year. Nisha is amazing! This sisterhood is amazing!”
Tara Zirker | Founder & CEO
“Nisha holds the deep, magical space for women to do their inner and outer work with integrity so they can be the best leaders they can be.
I joined Nisha’s mastermind when my business and life were going really well with the intention of having the sisterhood and support to expand my capacity to lead. Throughout our year together I’ve deepened more into my desires, dreams and had the support to really go for them at my own pace. Even more importantly, I’ve healed years of sisterhood hurts within this beautiful, loving container.”
Allison Braun | Soulful Success Coach
“I have never felt so held and taken care of as I did this year with Nisha & our sisterhood. I truly believe that Nisha has a hook-up with the time gods because there isn’t a single time where I didn’t feel like time slowed down and expanded for our coaching together. I needed a coach that could speak both spiritual priestess and pragmatic businesswoman and Nisha is a beautiful blend of both who has mastered so many areas of life that she can literally speak to pretty much anything. Above all, she comes to the table with her heart on her sleeve and an ability to see you – really SEE you.
I really feel this doesn’t do it justice. Thank you. I love you. I am more me because of you. There are no words that can show my gratitude.”
Nadia Munla | Women’s Health & Sensuality Coach
“My body and soul knew I was a yes to Nisha’s mastermind but my brain challenged — I wasn’t ready yet, I needed to invest in 1:1 business coaching, I wouldn’t be able to quit my job. Thank goodness I followed my intuition! Within a week of beginning the program I was aligned with quitting my job, moving to California, and with each passing week of sinking deeper into sisterhood—and feeling so held in this container—I discovered more layers of why I was a yes. Sacred space to shed layers of my soul crippling perfect girl mask to emerge as more of myself. Realizing rather than putting other women on pedestals wondering when it would be my turn I really just needed to jump in line— we each have space to make a difference and being held in sisterhood was a deep healing experience for me. Sisterhood is salve. Nisha is love and wisdom embodied. I am forever changed and deeply grateful for this experience.”
Taryn Mason | Truth Teller & Free to Be Coach
“I joined Nisha’s mastermind program looking for systems and strategies. An expert in feminine leadership and running an online business — Nisha felt like the perfect mentor and someone I could study for best practices. Her message of leading with intuition, making pleasure a priority and taking time to relax and play felt totally contrary to my own paradigm of “more work = more success” … but frankly it fascinated me that there could be another way. Best practices AND time for play?! Sign me up.
This mastermind experience has been a study in running an online business and feminine leadership — just with 20 teachers instead of one. It has also been:
a sounding board and safe space to share my fears, failures and deepest desires
a support system (…a sisterhood <3) of likeminded women whose lives and missions will forever be woven into the fabric of my own
a wellspring of knowledge and insight from women in varying industries at different stages of creating / running their business
an opening back up to the possibility of big dreams
a call to presence, mindfulness and cultivating my unique gifts
a journey back to myself and redefining my true goals and values
a reminder of the unique magic that lies within every human being
a permission slip to create my own path and trust my soul to guide me along the journey
a nod from the universe saying that it’s ok to be lost, it’s ok to ask for help
a heaping dose of the courage to be imperfect, to make my art, to play with wild abandon and to share my light with the world
…a life affirming and game changing decision to say the least. The perfect combination of strategy and soul.
By living her message Nisha gives each of us permission to step into our own truth, to dream bigger and shine brighter than we’d dare dream was possible. She and the community of sisters she curates are two of my greatest gifts."
Tina Hofer Medico | Interior Designer + Play Instigator + Inventor of The Sparkboard
“I cannot recommend Nisha’s mastermind program enough! Aside from absolutely loving and adoring her, she has an amazing ability to bring together the perfect group of women. I initially joined because I thought the retreat locations sounded fun, and I’ve been a fan of her work for years. I had friends that had previously done her program and the shifts I saw in them made it even more intriguing. I never could have imagined how life-changing it would be for me. The support that you get from her and the group as a whole is incredible. You’re surrounded by a group of women that want you to succeed and that are happy to do anything they can to help you evolve in all areas of your life. If you are truly ready to take things to the next level in your life and business, this is the place to be.”
Ashley Terrell | Co-Founder and Director of Terrell Clinic
“I had a knowingness that there was more for me to do, feel, and create in this world. Enter Nisha. It’s amazing to reflect on what I’ve accomplished and how I’ve grown in just one year. The mastermind felt like an accelerated time warp because it was one. There has been no other year in my life that I’ve witnessed such dramatic shifts in my personal and business development. Nisha is a business strategist sorcerer. She also sees me – and my sisters – in our messy humanity which blurs business into personal and vice versa. Now I am launching my “in my wildest dreams” business. I’ve accessed spirituality in a previously unknowing way. I make time for myself which allows for time for others. I’ve connected to my body in a way that a year ago I would have protested, “impossible!”
My relationships with my family and dearest friends are all stronger. I’ve stepped into a sisterhood of love, power, strength and beauty. I live my dreams. Thank you Nisha!
As for the investment, I’ve come to understand that there is no better investment. After our first retreat of four, I got onto the plane tearing with gratitude. I remember thinking, “If the whole mastermind were finished right now, it was the best money I’ve ever spent.” With Nisha and the Freedom Mastermind actions and shifts happen fast, beauty and support are omnipresent and sisterhood abounds! Oh, it’s also been the most FUN I’ve ever experienced!”
Kit Maloney | Founder & CEO
“The Freedom Mastermind changed my life. It brought magic, sisterhood, and fast-tracked business evolution to the forefront of my life. I went into it looking for a haven of support — a Success Team — for both my life and business and what I got was so much more: sisters for life, spiritual growth like no other, and a leader who fully saw and desired my best for me just as I did for myself. There was no topic too big or small to explore and every other sister brought out more and more of my own unique truth.
Working with Nisha was a dream. She has a way of speaking and reaching into the depths of your heart so that you feel fully safe being yourself. She created a space for each of us to fully embrace our divine gifts. My business and life are completely more ME than ever before. I feel more alive, more radiant, and more supported. When I started with the FM, I felt lost, spinning my wheels, and overwhelmed. Now I feel the complete opposite. My life is full of ease, pleasure, and working through the challenges with a posse of soul sisters who always have my back. Nisha’s leadership is what brings this out. I will forever be grateful to the Freedom Mastermind and the experience that Nisha and her team so lovingly curate. It’s completely one-of-a kind.”
Sara Mazenko | Founder
“Working with Nisha has enhanced my life in more ways than I can count: She has helped me amp up my business and craft a new one. My life has exploded with sisterhood. And my marriage is more loving, honest and supportive than ever. Nisha brings super-powerered business acumen and a nurturing touch to her coaching. For me, it’s the perfect combination, and I could not imagine what my life would be like without our work together.”
Julie Rath | Founder and CEO, Rath & Co Men’s Style Consulting and Next Level Style
“Being a part of the Freedom Mastermind and being led by Nisha has been nothing short of magical. She teaches love, generosity, compassion and sisterhood in the beautiful and brilliant of ways. I feel like my being, my business, my relationships – everything has expanded as a result of being a part of this circle of amazing women. This has been one of the biggest gifts that I’ve ever given to myself, and I’m wildly grateful I went for it.”
Jordana Jaffe | Facebook Strategist
“Nisha brings a feminine twist to everything she teaches and touches — an inclusive, sensual kind of wisdom that’s just what we need to round out our ambitions.”
Danielle LaPorte, Author of The Fire Starter Sessions & The Desire Map
Danielle LaPorte.com
“Over the last two years, my life has completely transformed. While my first business was booming, I was struggling in all other areas of my life and didn’t really feel like I knew who I was and what I truly desired. I felt alone, confused, overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. In fact, I was afraid of even being too vulnerable to admit it to anyone close to me. And at that point, I decided to dive inward and look for aoaches and mentors to guide me on my personal growth journey.
That’s when I found the brilliant, beautiful Nisha Moodley.
It was divine Intervention, really, to discover a woman so fiercely devoted to helping women achieve freedom in all areas of their life, through self discovery and by surrounding yourself with the support of other ambitious women. i joined her mastermind, and over the course of two years I transformed into the woman I always wanted to be. My relationships began to thrive, my creativity and productivity flourished, I let go of the anxiety and perfectionism that used to define me, and finally received the clariy and courage to make all of my dreams happen. In fact, Hello Fearless and BossSchool would not be a reality without this woman.
And furthermore, it’s with her guidance that I’ve overcome so many fears, limiting believes and challenges to become so fearless in my own life and business.
Sara Davidson | Founder, Hello Fearless & Boss School
“How can I even find words to describe how transformative my time working with Nisha has been? To say that my life has shifted in ways that I never believed possible would be an understatement.
When I began working with Nisha in 2013, I was running a very successful healing practice in San Francisco that from the outside looked like everything I wanted, but from the inside was burning me out, impacting my personal life, preventing me from traveling and was no longer in alignment with how I wanted to be serving the world and my clients. Through working with Nisha I was able to completely overhaul my work, start a new business built around the lifestyle I want and the type of work I want to offer, find my truth of who I am, and bring it all into reality. With Nisha’s loving support and guidance on the business aspects, I was able to create The Unbridled Life and bring it confidently into the world.
Nisha also helped me tremendously with healing my relationship with my partner and transforming our life into a loving, supportive and passionate partnership. Combined with the loving support of the sisterhood of the Freedom Mastermind, I now have a tribe I can call family and never feel alone again.
I am beyond grateful for the experience and it was a true lesson that when I invest in myself and my happiness, only great things can come in return. So many amazing things happened, and my life is truly transformed from working with Nisha.”
Jen Blackstock | Oracle and Head Priestess of The Unbridled Life
“I’m extremely skeptical of most so-called ‘coaches.’ But watching Nisha work with her clients is nothing short of amazing. Her results and commitment speak for themselves. She is a coach I’d personally trust.”
Tim Ferriss | Author (Guest Mentor for The Freedom Mastermind)
“The experience of working with Nisha is like having a sister, midwife, priestess and business mentor all at the same time. Her intuitive and heart-led coaching has had a profound impact on my life and business.”
Becca Piastrelli | Founder, The Dabblist
“The minute I met the vibrant, warm, and magical Nisha, I KNEW she would be one of my greatest teachers, guides, and inspirations. Through my year of participating in her brilliant Mastermind, I have formed lasting and deep bonds with my fellow MM Sisters, learned to practice radical self-love and acceptance, and built an even more lucrative, sustainable, Authentic and FUN six-figure business.
Before coaching with Nisha, I often hid out and isolated myself when I felt triggered or upset. Now I reach out to others and ask for support. I allow myself to be nurtured and seen, even in my darkness. Nisha has shared so much wisdom that has transformed my life, but here is one of my favorites: “Cora, when you share your pain with those who love you, you don’t create more pain, just MORE Love.”
I recommend Nisha’s Mastermind to anyone who is desiring to feel supported and held while at the same time challenged and invited to grow, evolve, and expand. She and the other Mastermind Sisters will NOT let you fall through the cracks. It is GUARANTEED that you will positively shift and change in limitless ways. Nisha and the Mastermind Experience has led me to a life of THRIVING, not just surviving, and for this I am forever grateful.”
Cora Poage | Intuitive Coach
“The work that Nisha does is unparalleled in this world. She is a leading voice in the women’s leadership movement and having her as a dear friend, colleague and former coach she has made all the difference for me in building a business that is not only wildly successful, but also is a reflection of my true heart’s desires. Nisha showed me how to build a business that supported my dream life, instead of a life that revolves around my business, all while tripling my revenue. It’s because of her great care that I now have a business I love, travel all over the world and have plenty of time to dedicate to all the other thing I love, instead of being consumed by my business. Her ability to think outside the box, provide beautiful elegant solutions for complicated problems and her stand for beauty and easeful ambition are qualities that are greatly needed in this world.”
Lisa Fabrega | Writer & Seer
“The thing that really surprised me about my work with Nisha was that I came into this thinking I was going to get a business out of it, but what I got instead was a life.
I was able to grow into my full self.
I can’t wait to see what happens next in my life.”
Carolyn Messere | Surgeon + Health Expert
“Nisha is truly a business whisperer. She brings your most brilliant ideas, gifts and powers out of hiding and helps you package them in a way that commands respect and response from the world. Every good idea I’ve ever had has been in the sacred space that Nisha provides in her work with you. She lights a fire under your ass, holds your hand and cheers you on. I am always in awe of her magnificence and since working with her, I am finally in awe of mine.”
Sarah Jenks | Founder, Live More Weigh Less
“Nisha spoke life into the dream business I was hiding and smothering. Defining, creating, and expanding a business you love (what I *thought* was my core reason for joining Nisha’s mastermind) would have been a tremendous value in its own right. I’m so grateful to learn it is loaded with so much more. Nisha supports, guides and coaches you to be the very best version of yourself and offers the perfect cocoon in which to discover more fully who she is and how to set her free. Nisha has found her purpose in life and it’s to help you discover a remarkable life and live it fully. She’s created something far greater than herself and I’m so thrilled and blessed to be a part of her legacy.”
Beth Ash | Founder, For Love of the Vine
“I freakin’ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE working with Nisha.
Every single interaction I have with her leaves me far better off than when I started.
I don’t know how I could possibly narrow down her excellence into a few sentences, so here are 5 of the top reasons I think Nisha’s beyond epic, in no particular order:
1. She has the best blend of intuitive + practical advice.. Any time I ever ask her to help me with anything, I get a concrete action plan — but it’s led by my heart.
2. The best way I can explain Nisha’s energy is “sparkling clean from a place of love”. I’ve never met someone who can hold space for anybody with so little judgment and so much love at the same time.
3. Nisha really walks her talk. She says she is a stand for sisterhood, and she consistently shows it. She’s forever going above and beyond to be there for the women in her life.
4. She is a master at freedom – both internally and externally. I’ve had more than one conversation with her where I was completely frazzled about something, and she’d just quickly drop a perspective shift, rattling my world for the better.
5. Nisha overdelivers like crazy. If she says she’ll do something, she does it… but then she keeps giving far more. And it’s always from a place of “surplus” energy. I can’t even count how many random presents she’s sent my way, emails she’s answered when she didn’t have to, and phone calls she re-scheduled for my benefit. She is just so full of love, heart, and generosity.
I can’t recommend Nisha highly enough.”
Rachel Rofé | Better Life Strategist
“What really surprised me about Nisha as a coach was that I thought I was going to get some really great business strategies, but I didn’t realize how much love she gives.
Every time we had a call together what I would feel is this immense love and support and what I thought I needed wasn’t what I needed at all. What I really needed was to become more of myself and to ease into love and trust of receiving help and guidance and that has changed my life, my relationship with my husband, my friendships and in the end it was the foundation of what I needed to rock out in my business.”
Jeannine Yoder | Founder Mentor Masterclass
“Working with Nisha has helped me to look beyond what I thought possible for my life and my business. Part of the brilliance of working with her is her ability to help you see the links between the problems that show up in your business and the ingrained (but changeable) beliefs about your life. As a woman and business owner, having Nisha’s support– and the sisterhood of like-minded women in her mastermind– has been beyond instrumental in the expansion of my life and practice. My first session with Nisha completely shifted the course of my business, creating more freedom in my life and I haven’t looked back since.
With Nisha’s guidance, I’ve created major results and learned to feel more balanced and grounded as a human being in the process. I am so grateful for her generosity and brilliance. With Nisha, I never just feel like a client, Nisha is a mentor, sister and dear friend.”
Stephanie Burg | Holistic Health Coach
“Before I joined the Freedom Mastermind I was longing for community even though I had no idea what that looked or felt like. After I had my first conversation with Nisha I was so intrigued and scared of what the others would think. It was at our first retreat in Costa Rica when I felt the true magic of sisterhood. I met women from all walks of life and in all different stages of their businesses and personal journeys. The best thing I discovered about the community of sisterhood is the true unconditional love and acceptance I feel being vulnerable, silly, or whatever form I choose to show up as in any moment. I no longer feel alone or abandoned. I’m completely supported in sisterhood in my life, love, my passion and whatever else lies ahead of me.”
Jenn Bradshaw | Well Woman Coach
“I knew that Nisha was awesome from reading her blog posts and learning from the wealth of knowledge she shares with her followers, but working with her privately and in the Freedom Mastermind, I was blown away at how amazing she really is! Working with Nisha has helped me voice and clarify my desires, in my business and my personal relationships. She has helped me to feel confident in myself to dream big, and create a path and the tools I need to achieve my dreams. She has inspired me to be the woman I never knew I could be: powerful, feminine, and free. The Sisterhood she introduces you to was something I didn’t realize I could have and was yearning for, and every day I wake up I think about how grateful I am to be a part of it. I am so thankful to have her as my coach, my sister and my friend.”
Melissa Hoffmann | Personal Branding Makeup Artist
“Nisha brings infectious energy and enthusiasm everywhere she goes. She’s mastered the art of knowing how to inspire and transform, while delivering grounded, practical wisdom.”
Joshua Rosenthal | Founder, Integrative Nutrition
“My life will literally never be the same. Nisha’s power, Nisha’s influence, Nisha’s brave shining of her gifts — all of these things have altered me in such tangible, visceral ways. I feel it in my body, in my soul, in my heart. I am already so much better, and I am so much more hopeful for all the better that is to come. For this lifetime, and for all the lifetimes ahead. Nisha is magic. She is a force of nature. She is wild and wonderful. I love this woman so much, you can’t possibly even know.
I have become so much more aligned with my soul’s purpose and so confident in my self-expression on all front’s of my life – from my relationships with my husband and family, in my friendships, in my business and just in the way I move through the world.
I have a newfound level of confidence and a new understanding of myself and love for what it is that I’m going to offer in the world and I have women that I can fall back on for the rest of my life and that’s like a superpower.”
Ginny Muir | Body Wisdom Coach
“What really surprised me about working with Nisha was how much I was able to open up and discover about myself, not just about my own core beliefs, but about what I wanted to create in my life and my business, and do so openly. I didn’t think I would be able to reach down and find the truth so easily, but with the support of Nisha and this community it happened for me and happens for everyone she works with.
I’ve become more of myself through my work with Nisha. I was really able to shed some old layers that I was struggling to do on my own, but because of the support and the coaching and the constant positive feedback, I finally feel like me and it feels awesome.
The best business and life shift I’ve implemented is control of the calendar. My life and business calendar is no longer a nightmare, it’s set up in a way that it’s such a thing of beauty. I love the serenity and productivity that I feel when I look at my calendar now. I really needed this support to make that happen.”
Alex Jamieson | Author + Certified Health Counselor
“I wish there was a way to fully express how grateful I feel for the intimate, magical, and heart-opening weekend I shared with some of the most incredible women I’ve ever met in my life. WOW.
Just saying thank you to Nisha and all our sisters in our mastermind couldn’t ever do it justice. I feel so snuggled and loved by this sisterhood, so healed, so open, and vulnerable.”
Sirena Bernal | Nutrition + Fitness Expert
“I knew this year and this sisterhood was going to be good. I realize now I had no idea HOW good. Nisha’s ability to cultivate a space of real, true sisterhood for women is kind of beyond description. The further I go into this life she has guided me to step into, the more fierce I realize I have always been. Nisha and my new community of sisters have allowed me to be excited about my life again.”
Erin Cadd | Interior Coach
“In early 2012, I intended that this year was all about sacred flight. My life was anything but at the time. Overwhelmed with a full time job and growing business, I worked 7 days a week and had a vision but no practical way of attaining the freedom I wanted. Nisha’s mastermind email flew into my inbox, my intuition said, “Hell yes!” My mind said, “Do you have time? Can you afford it?” I didn’t care. I would make it happen. What I needed now was a sisterhood of fierce, Super Shero Femmepreneurs that knew what it was like to hang off the edge and fly into the unknown. What I needed was a mentor who knows what it takes to dream big and live free. What I needed was a launching pad to really believe and create the freedom to live and serve the world with my own unique passion and talents.
As I started this adventure I knew I wanted to hang with fierce change-makers, expand my biz, travel more, leave the days of day-jobs behind, finally have a surgery that was weighing me down and keeping me in the rat race. I wanted support and know-how to be freer and have the courage to be more myself than I’ve ever been.
As I emerge now from this mastermind: my visibility and business have expanded; I run with a fierce, thriving sisterhood; I’ve traveled more this year than ever before; surgery was a success; and day job is O-V-E-R. Scary. Yes. Full of courage, potential and expansion: YES!
I gained a deeper insight into who I am, what I am bringing and the courage to step onto the stage in a bigger way and be the Urban Priestess that I am. Understanding my work’s intrinsic value has changed the way I do business and the way I see business. Its not in opposition to my intuitive, healing abilities…it’s inclusive and expansive in the realm of feminine leadership. Making this leap has changed my life.
During a call with Nisha she suggested I sublet my apartment and live in different places to satisfy my love for travel and need for expansion. “Ohh no, I can’t do that…” But the seed was planted. Currently, “The Gypsy Project”, as I call it, is in the works… Love you, Nisha, and the incredible sisterhood that dares to answer your call to freedom!”
Vanessa Codorniu |The Urban Priestess
“The Freedom Mastermind is a unique and beautiful nine month birthing process that has brought me back to life. I was just starting my business and knew one day I wished to be part of a mastermind group. Knowing that I wasn’t making any money yet, I figured it would take years before I would even be considered and asked to join one. One morning, I received an email from Nisha announcing applications for the Freedom Mastermind was opened and even if you didn’t believe this was for you, to apply anyway. There is something incredibly satisfying to be in the mindset of writing out an application for something you wish to be a part of. I trusted in the process and filled out the application. It was one of the best intuitive actions I have taken in my life.
Right after our first retreat, I had the strength to pack up my belongings and travel to Australia for two months. Since then I have only been home for two weeks at a time. The freedom I feel living my life the way I crave has been exhilarating and liberating. Nisha encourages you to be your authentic self and listen to your intuition.
Within nine months I have been able to verbalize my mission and become a leader in my global community. I understand the true meaning of sisterhood and I have seen the impact we have made by supporting each other through our highs and lows. The other women in the mastermind are now my life long sisters. I will be eternally grateful.”
Sora No | Life + Business Coach
“When I signed up for the Freedom Mastermind, I didn’t really know what to expect. I had high hopes that the mastermind would help me to reach some of my personal and professional goals, to take my business to the next level and to challenge me to explore and grow.
That all happened, but the impact of the program in my life was sooooooooo much more than that. If I had to sum it up in one word, that word would be : expansion.
What has most shifted for me over the course of this year is that my capacity for
EVERYTHING has expanded Love. Success. Joy. Friendship. Connection. Even pain. Though Nisha has taught me that pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Even in (or should I say, especially in) areas where I thought I felt satisfied – friendship and connection for example – I feel a depth and connection with a group of 16 other women that matches the depth of the relationships I have with some of my lifelong girlfriends. Before the mastermind, I didn’t even see that my capacity for friendship and sisterhood was lacking (and I don’t think it was)… but I feel a new spaciousness in this area. And all areas in my life.
I dream bigger. I shine brighter. I feel like all my dreams are totally within my reach.
Deep bow to Nisha, her beautiful support team and to my 16 sisters on this journey.”
Laura Dinstell | Founder, Almost Custom Websites
“Nisha Moodley rocks my world. Every time we speak I feel more inspired, energized and powerful and just more happy to be alive. She has the amazing ability to give kick-ass business advice in the most loving way Before coaching with Nisha, I was completely lacking in direction, confused about what steps to take in my business and afraid of putting myself out there. She helped me get laser focused on exactly what I need to do to grow my business. But, more importantly, she helped me discover and align with my purpose on the planet, which gave me the courage to serve in a bigger way. She cares about the bottom line, but more importantly she cares about your soul. In the world of coaches, she is truly a rare gem.”
Nicole Moore | Love Coach
“I was loosely familiar with the concept of masterminds before joining Nisha’s, and now I’m a wholehearted believer in the power of what is possible with the support and encouragement of a community of amazing women all taking a stand for each other. Coming together without prior acquaintance, we have thrived from holding one other’s hopes, dreams and intentions from clean slates, without the bias (even well-intentioned) that is inherent when people have prior knowledge of and history with each other. No matter the area – business, career, physical and emotional health, relationships, spirituality – each of my sisters and I have grown and expanded in ways previously unthinkable.
I am grateful to Nisha for her wisdom and foresight in creating such a special container where women come together and thrive in this safe, nurturing environment, where we explore, learn, grow and embrace dreams we might have been too fearful to pursue on our own.
This mastermind has been a powerful incubator for me to gain greater clarity on my life and the knowing that anything is possible. Every dream begins with the first step, and with the loving and gentle but firm encouragement of Nisha and my mastermind sisters, I have taken numerous steps that bring me more and more into alignment with the beautiful life I’m here to live.
This is one of the most valuable and worthwhile investments I could ever make in myself.”
Lois Wong | Writer + Yogini
“Nisha Moodley is a magical combination of insanely fun yet get-down-to-business and fierce yet gentle.
Hiring Nisha was a huge risk for me financially since, at the time, I was barely making enough money to pay my rent. In my heart of hearts, I knew that investing in Nisha’s coaching was an investment in myself and my business, and that I would see rewards beyond what I could have imagined. I was right! Not only did I triple my monthly income in four short months, but I finally feel safe and supported in being an entrepreneur.
Before working with Nisha, I was afraid of experiencing my power as a leader, I didn’t even know what putting things into a calendar looked like, and I was stressed beyond belief about money. Now, I am speaking to live audiences, have a waitlist that is 3 months long, and am hiring team members!
Having Nisha’s support, guidance, love, and practical tools has helped me get to a place where I am no longer floating in a sea of anxiety but rather skipping, hopping, and booty-shaking my way to my dream life. And the best thing of all? She is a constant reminder that we are free to create the lives that we want to live- and we can start right now.”
Alison Leipzig | Body Confidence Coach
“Being in Nisha’s mastermind has been a life altering experience for me. I’ve manifested the home I wanted; learned to truly love myself-which I’m certain led to attracting the man of my dreams; manifested an amazing job with the best perks imaginable; I learned to stop trying to do everything on my own and I discovered a deep joy in sisterhood while feeling loved and supported. I’m forever grateful!”
Paula Orozco | Reiki Master Teacher
“I am so grateful that Nisha has given me my wings to fly. She is purely brilliant! Beyond being an incredible, intuitive, creative, trustworthy coach, she is my biggest cheerleader and I would not be where I am if it weren’t for her guidance. I had the courage to leave my well-paying job in finance to be a full time Health Coach. I now love what I do every day and was even featured on the Lululemon blog, which was a dream come true! I’m even following my dream of moving to California.”